Feed as the sole ration from the time rabbits are placed on feed until they are marketed.
1.Shawnee Rabbit Pellets may be self-fed to all except does nursing small litters, which may become too fat.
2.The following are approximate daily consumption amounts for rabbits: Resting does and bucks, 4 to 6 ounces; Does in gestation, 5 to 7 ounces; Newly kindled does- after 1ST week 10 to 12 ounces; Doe & litter- 3 weeks to weaning I lb to I ounce per young; Growing rabbits at 6 weeks, 4 - 6 ounces. This is a general guide. Govern your feeding by appetites and conditions.
3. Feed consumption for does should be reduced by half on the day the does kindle, and then gradually increase her feed from 2nd through the 7th day until she is eating all she wants.
4. Green foods are not necessary except for a small amount when a rabbit goes off feed. D0 NOT feed any greens to animals less than 2 months old.
5.Keep clean fresh water available continuously.
6.Extra salt may be provided; Shawnee Rabbit Pellets are formulated to meet the salt needs of rabbits.
7.Alfalfa hay is unnecessary, though it may be fed to help dry up heavy milking does.